September Update

September Update

How optimistic I was in the Spring!  Sadly, NEU students working on the GPU computation of the hexagon map left for co-ops, had exams, and summer break.  However, the GPU mapping at NEU is back on track and I hope to share more on that effort in a month or two.

I have been slow to release my own work as well.  Sure, summer slowed me down too,  but here is the thing:  my computational results are startling.  Startling is thrilling … but it makes one suspicious.  Am I caught in some circular reasoning?  So I’ve been generating more data to see if it holds, taking a second look at my methods, taking other approaches to see if I get the same outcomes, that sort of thing.

I’m pleased to report the results have held.   Now how to proceed?  Do I look for more of these type of results?  Do I spend several months tackling the mathematical proofs they demand though I’m not likely to succeed?  Or do I simply present my results to the world so more capable minds may see daylight where I see darkness?

I’m leaning toward the latter.  I’ve started the long promised second video and aim to post it to YouTube, along with supporting pages to this site, by the end of October.